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Quantum leap quantstellation

A series of images depicting Liat casting green energy from her hands, dressed in colorful Indian attire, with a pink aura floating above her. A group of people is in the middle of a constellation session, resolving the issue and creating a profound, special moment.
Unlock your 
you are worth it

?So what is it really

Have you heard of the quantum field?

Have you heard about reality creation?

The secret?

Dr Joe Dispenza?

All these methods and concepts are based on the quantum field.

This is an invitation to work within it.

When working in the quantum field, miracles and wonders occur.

It happens quickly,

and it is always precise.

Medical issues are released from the body,

the money that is rightfully ours comes to us,

the right relationships enter our lives,

there is peace at home with children and family,

and for the first time, we dare to pursue dreams, both professional and personal.


What happens there? 

We will open a common quantum field together

in which we release our common problem together using the convulsion method.

It's fast, powerful and different from anything you've ever known

Immediately after the workshop, I closed a deal worth £60,000. A month later i got deal to managing a greenhouse for £72,000.

?What exactly do we do there

To understand what we do, it’s necessary to comprehend what a quantum field is.

Quantum physics deals with the smallest particles known to us (atoms, molecules, protons, etc.) and investigates their behaviour.

It has been discovered that they act differently from the matter we are familiar with.

They can exist in multiple places at once, move quickly through space, and behave differently, while we, as human beings, are composed of them.

From the understanding that we are composed of them, we deduced that we can also behave in this manner.

This has completely altered our perception of reality as we have understood it until now.

Working in the quantum field allows us to behave like the particles, whether we possess this ability or not.

I facilitate quantum leaps, and I, Liat Gefen, enable this for you.

When starting a quantum leap session, the field assigns roles to all participants in the workshop.

They disperse around the room, each exactly as the field requests…

They can articulate precisely what they feel and why they are standing where they are, leading to an assessment.

This assessment comes from the field, and there is no possibility of embellishing things, hiding, or evading the truth.

The truth stands bare before our eyes.

After the assessment, there is an opportunity to change reality, resolve problems, and release blockages.

The field allows us to wander through the realms of time and communicate with a version of ourselves in another time.

It enables us to connect with a past incarnation that is holding us back.

It also allows us to navigate the realms of consciousness and communicate with something that has harmed us, even if it is not physically present, but the mere act of conversing with it in the quantum field releases something within our system.

The changes we make in the field, in addition to cleansing the past lives that are blocking us from addressing this issue, lead to immediate shifts in belief systems, understandings, self-perception, and, yes, even changes in DNA.

People who have jumped with me report immediate changes:

🫶 In themselves

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 In their relationships

🧘 In their health

👍 In their lives…

It truly is something different—something that hasn’t existed until now… and now it does.

I arrived at the workshop with a broken heart and deep sadness. After the session, I realised the reason I was struggling in relationships and started private therapy with Liat. Since then, my life has changed dramatically; I’m doing much better since the workshop. I’m okay! 4o mini

?What tools are used in the workshop

A group of people gathered in an embrace of relief, love, and a profound release from a significant problem in their lives.


A new concept in the world—Quantum Constellation.

This term was coined by one of the participants in the eighth workshop… and it’s accurate!

This is what we do: we utilise techniques from the realm of constellation while working with quantum physics.

We focus on acute issues that trouble us in this life.

Releasing these issues also frees our family lineage, both forwards and backwards.

However, that’s not the main focus; the main aim is to release significant blockages that cause us suffering in the present moment…

and to leap into a better reality right now!

I arrived at the quantum leap workshop with a tailbone inflammation, hoping to heal it. I couldn’t believe how quickly and powerfully it worked. The next day, I went to a Pilates class and completely forgot that I had inflammation. It’s amazing and it really works!

?What is a quantum leap exactly

Have you ever found a bulb of onion with a small bit of rot at the tip and thought, "Well, we won’t throw away the whole bulb for a bit of rot; we’ll just cut it off"?

But when you cut the onion in half, you discover that the rot has penetrated through all the layers and is also in the heart of the bulb…

Most treatments today only address the superficial rot and a few layers beneath.

In a quantum leap, we insert a special needle or laser beam into the heart of the bulb and extract all the rot from the centre, layer by layer, until everything is removed and the bulb is clean!

When working in the quantum field, we focus on precise, deep issues that we often have no access to otherwise.

The fact that quantum physics works with the smallest particles, which behave differently from what we are accustomed to, allows us to undergo cognitive changes that we are unfamiliar with.

It is quick, precise, and deeply transformative.

You can’t deceive the field; when working in the quantum field, it is impossible to lie to ourselves— the truth resides within us…

I highly recommend you try it.

At most, you will succeed just like all the other participants…

Who is it Suitable For?


But especially for those who are already engaged in personal development work.

Those who have already been exposed to tools from the realms of quantum physics and energy.

People who can let go of self-criticism and scepticism to undertake genuine, swift, and precise work on their lives now.


Does this only affect me?

Sometimes what happens to us in life,

the most difficult things

that leave us with trauma,

actually stem from our family lineage.

A long line of women suffering time and again from the same horrors,

in different eras

and through various events.

But it always repeats itself.

Today, we know

there is a way to stop it.

To break and shatter the chain of the family lineage,

to break the chain of familial vulnerability.

Although the essence of the leap is not about healing the family lineage, but rather addressing the issues I face in my own life.

When releasing a significant trauma or deep blockage, it frees that trauma from the entire lineage, and this certainly occurs in the workshop.

One participant, who experienced something truly horrific in this lifetime, managed to disconnect the chain

and actually saw the lineage of women behind her thanking her.

Because when we disconnect the chain of the lineage, we prevent harm to our daughters and granddaughters.

But we also release all the women who have been affected.

Here are her words:

"I did an amazing workshop called 'Quantum Leap.'

It was incredible.

Later, my late grandmother came to me (through communication)

and thanked me for what I had done, for breaking that chain for my children.

Then, while walking my dog, I saw my entire family lineage behind me, thanking me.

It was moving and wonderful."

This is true for men as well…

Want to know more?

Want to experience it for yourself?

Sign up for one of the upcoming workshops.


"I did an amazing workshop called 'Quantum Leap.'" It was incredible. Later, my late grandmother came to me (through communication) and thanked me for what I had done, for breaking that chain for my children. Then, while walking my dog, I saw my entire family lineage behind me, thanking me. It was moving and wonderful."​

Past life regression

As part of the treatment and release, past lives emerge from the field that hold blockages related to the issue that has been addressed.
Therefore, part of the session also includes bringing these past lives to the surface and releasing them from our field.




Does this only affect me?

Sometimes what happens to us in life,

the most difficult things

that leave us with trauma,

actually stem from our family lineage.

A long line of women suffering time and again from the same horrors,

in different eras

and through various events.

But it always repeats itself.

Today, we know

there is a way to stop it.

To break and shatter the chain of the family lineage,

to break the chain of familial vulnerability.

Although the essence of the leap is not about healing the family lineage, but rather addressing the issues I face in my own life.

When releasing a significant trauma or deep blockage, it frees that trauma from the entire lineage, and this certainly occurs in the workshop.

One participant, who experienced something truly horrific in this lifetime, managed to disconnect the chain

and actually saw the lineage of women behind her thanking her.

Because when we disconnect the chain of the lineage, we prevent harm to our daughters and granddaughters.

But we also release all the women who have been affected.

Here are her words:

"I did an amazing workshop called 'Quantum Leap.'

It was incredible.

Later, my late grandmother came to me (through communication)

and thanked me for what I had done, for breaking that chain for my children.

Then, while walking my dog, I saw my entire family lineage behind me, thanking me.

It was moving and wonderful."

This is true for men as well…

Want to know more?

Want to experience it for yourself?

Sign up for one of the upcoming workshops.


?Who is Liat Gefen

Liat Gefen is the developer of the Quantstellation method, specialising in quantum leaps. Liat holds two academic degrees and has extensive experience in developing programmes and strategies. She has acquired broad knowledge and experience in working with energetic fields and various therapeutic techniques. All of Liat's knowledge is based on academic research and clinical trials.

Liat is known for her ability to help people release emotional blockages and make significant changes in their lives. As a facilitator, she offers workshops that combine principles of quantum physics with tools from the realm of constellation, enabling her to assist participants in releasing a variety of acute issues and improving their quality of life. She believes in the power of rapid change and the ability of everyone to progress and free themselves from imposed limitations.

If you need to know anything else, I'm here!


DNA change

What happens in quantum leaps is that everything changes because reality changes, and our DNA changes (the change is in epigenetics—not a change in the DNA itself, which is super important because changes in epigenetics ensure that traumas, such as those from the Holocaust, do not pass on to the next generation).

And if what I’m saying isn’t clear, I’ll explain…

When the quantum leap session begins, the field provides representations of the issues that arise for each participant in the workshop.

They spread out in the room, each exactly as the field requested…

and they can articulate precisely what they feel and why they are standing where they are.

This creates a diagnosis.

The diagnosis comes from the field, and there’s no way to embellish things or hide from the truth.

The truth stands bare before us.

After the diagnosis, there is an opportunity to change.

We can traverse the realms of time and converse with a version of ourselves from another time.

We can also explore the realms of time and speak with a past incarnation that is holding us back.

Additionally, we can wander through the realms of consciousness and communicate with something that has harmed us, even if it’s not physically present. Just the fact that we spoke to it in the quantum field released something within our system.

The changes we made in the field, along with the clearing of the past lives that hold the issues we raised, allow for immediate shifts in our belief systems, understandings, and self-perception, as well as changes in our DNA.

To illustrate this change, I’d like to share what a participant wrote to me after raising a dilemma during the quantum leap session:

"I no longer feel like myself.

It’s as if everything has been erased.

What I used to think about, I no longer think about.

What I used to love, no longer interests me.

It’s as if everything is suddenly quiet in my head.

I feel like I have a blank slate, and there’s nothing."


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